Iphone 4G Release day
Iphone 4G Release day
Iphone 4G Release day
Iphone 4G Release day
Iphone 4G Release day
Iphone 4G Release day
Iphone 4G Release day
Iphone 4G Release day
Iphone 4G Release day
Iphone 4G Release day
Steve Jobs announced the new iPhone 4.0 or the new iPhone 4G aptly called the Jony Ive by Steve Jobs himself during his keynote at the 2010 Apple WWDC (World Wide Developers Conference 2010) is the new talk of the town.
Other than finally having multi-tasking capabilities so that you can run multiple applications at once on your new iPhone 4.0, the new iPhone also has a lot more.
For one, it is said that the new iPhone 4 will be the slimmest smartphone in the market. Furthermore, this Jony Ive iPhone 4 release date was announced to be this June 2010.
The iPhone Verizon version will also be available as Steve Jobs said along with the new iPhone 4G announcement. This comes surprising to many who are used to only having the iPhone with ATT. Now, new iPhone users may have it with their Verizon plans. It is still uncertain as to how much Verizon has paid Apple to strike this deal and overcome the exclusivity that ATT had in the past.
Watch out for the Jony Ive new iPhone this June 2010 as you’ll see on the video and links
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